First look: Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 G
Nikon 14-24mm v Canon 24mm L v Sigma 12-24mm
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Canon 14mm L II Review
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Canon 16-35mm L II v Contax N 17-35mm Review
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Contax N 17-35mm v Contax 21mm f2.8 Review
The Sigma 12-24mm (all the copies I've tested, at least) tends to love the 14-18mm range and gets a bit twitchy at the long end. To put the following results into context, this copy of the lens performed about as well as the Canon 14mm L Mark I (more on the Mark II later). With the right adaptor, it was outresolved by the Nikon 15mm AIs and Voigtlander 15mm but they have other flaws that make them hard to recommend. Similarly the Zeiss Distagon 15mm proved to be of very similar character to the Nikon (same design, of course). It's improved coatings eliminate the Nikon version's Achilles' heel, but the difference between it and the Nikon (or the Sigma) makes it hard to justify the extra cost. So the Sigma has become our benchmark 'user' lens: it may not quite be the sharpest tool in the box, but its versatility and all-round good behaviour has earnt it a permanent berth in our shooting bag, and similarly in the kit list of many architectural photographers around the world. Are its days numbered, I wonder?
Resolution & Drawing Style: Zone A (centre frame) at 14mm f5 / f5.6
Sigma 12-24mm at 14mm f5.6 |
Nikon 14-24mm at 14mm f5 |
We've seen the Sigma bettered for resolution before, but I don't recall seeing it thrashed quite as soundly as it is here by the Nikon 14-24mm: that's certainly a Zeiss/Leica level centre frame performance at f5 (f5.6 for the Sigma).
Resolution & Drawing Style: Zone B (mid-frame) at 14mm f5 / f5.6
Sigma 12-24mm at 14mm f5.6 |
Nikon 14-24mm at 14mm f5 |
Out in Zone B, we're still good . . .
Resolution & Drawing Style: Zone C (corner frame) at 14mm f5 / f5.6
Sigma 12-24mm at 14mm f5.6 |
Nikon 14-24mm at 14mm f5 |
Remember how we used to say that the Sigma 12-24mm had 'no CA'? Well, if that was true of the Sigma, it's true of the Nikon in equal measure. Though there are traces in this 'worst case scenario' scene, it's very well controlled: better than any other ultrawide I've seen. That tempting little morsel of detail in the foreground reveals a fraction of the astounding Zone C performance of this lens. Here's more:
Sigma 12-24mm at 14mm f5.6 |
Nikon 14-24mm at 14mm f5 |
Wonderful. At 14mm, the Nikon 14-24mm gives us a whole new level of performance: it's not so much that it rewrites the rules, it doesn't seem to be aware of what the rules are . . . sharp, vignette-free corners at 14mm / f2.8? No problem! With performance this good at f5.6, I think we've just found a lens that may challenge the Leica 15mm f2.8 for the title of ultimate ultrawide. Without question, this lens is at least as good as the Zeiss 15mm f3.5.
So what we appear to have, at first glance, is a Zeiss 15mm + Canon 24 L in one lens for a bargain $1800. In overlapping focal lengths, it's better than the Nikon 17-35mm, Canon 17-40mm, 16-35mm II, and even, I suspect, the Contax N 17-35mm f2.8 zooms. More than that, it looks like it might better than every prime in that range: you can forget the Tamron 14mm, Sigma 14mm, Canon 14mm Mark I, Zeiss, Nikon and Leica 15mm f3.5, Tokina 17mm, Olympus 18mm, Zeiss 18mm, Nikon 20mm and Olympus 21mm variants.
But is it better than the Leica 19mm? Easy – yes: superb colouring v superb colouring, but the Nikon has better corners.
Is there a better 24mm lens? Maybe – but not by much. The 24L is pretty special, and two stops faster, so it's unlikely to be dethroned in the near future. But the Nikon zoom is as good as anything else you can use at this focal length.
Is is better than the Leica 15mm f2.8? Ah – good question! Can I get back to you on that when my 1Ds III arrives? It may be the only tool capable of giving us an answer.
Is it better than the Zeiss 21mm? Oooh, now you're asking . . . perhaps not. But we'd have to define 'better' better: is it as high resolution? Perhaps not – though given the fact that the Nikon comes very close to outresolving the 5D in the corners makes this something of a moot point. Colour? Zeiss – just: but the Nikon glass draws very similarly. Distortion? At 21mm, no contest: the Nikon is much better. Flare and ghosting? Nikon (just) again . . . .
Is it perhaps the most impressive wide angle lens ever by a huge margin? Yes, and yes again. Run – really, run to your local dealer and buy one as fast as you can. Then sell all those other lenses it replaces and treat yourself to a case of Chateau d'Yquem with the proceeds.