First look: Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 G
Nikon 14-24mm Quick Test: f2.8 samples
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Canon 14mm L II Review
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Canon 16-35mm L II v Contax N 17-35mm Review
> See also: Nikon 14-24mm v Contax N 17-35mm v Contax 21mm f2.8 Review
Still very much in the 'first impressions' vein, my next attempt to make it look bad saw me shooting at ISO400 with the Canon 5D balanced on its Arca mount on the chopping board: wide open at a distance of less than 1m (about three feet). I know it's wrong, but this lens just brings out my inner Ken Rockwell. The focal length was 18mm, the exposure was 1/20s at f2.8 . . . same C1 settings as before: no noise reduction and a modest PS USM. As shown below, samples were taken at 100% from Zone A, B and C:
As you might expect, it's not quite vignette-free, but for a lens this fast and wide, it's another fantastic performance, requiring only minimal correction. The moderate barrel distortion (remember this is pretty close) looks simple to correct also.
Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 G at 18mm / f2.8: Zone A (100% actual pixel crop)

Noise reduction was turned off here, and USM was 120/0.3/1, so we're seeing some shadow noise in this ISO400 shot, but the level of detail delivered is unimpeachable: centre frame this is a very sharp lens. And in Zone B, it looks like we have not only superb field flatness, but equally high resolution:
Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 G at 18mm / f2.8: Zone B (100% actual pixel crop)

Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 G at 18mm / f2.8: Zone B (100% actual pixel crop)

Hard to believe that this is the upper right corner (Zone C) of an 18mm lens at f2.8. That waffle texture is the extractor filter which is here sweetly rendered without coma or drastic resolution loss. Amazingly, it looks like you really could shoot this lens wide open and not worry about the corners. Reviewing my Zeiss 21mm captures, I have to say that even the Distagon is not sharper than the Nikon in Zone C, though I suspect that the 1Ds III may reveal that the Zeiss has a little more in the tank for Zone A . . we'll have to see.
Looks like the adaptor is doing its work properly, too, which is enouraging: barely any CA wide open. More on this and a flare/ghosting update soon . . .